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    Secure by design

    We build it right the first time.

  • Overview

    791 Technologies is a Business Technology Solutions Provider. We create high value solutions to deliver greater opportunities by leveraging Open Source technologies, enhancing security at every layer through tight authentication controls.


    Our product design is the building block of our software stack. Using a modular approach strategy, we develop client solutions with cognitive capabilities by design, bringing added simplicity to complex solutions. We focus on exceeding requirements for PCI, GLBA, HIPAA and other data protection standards to satisfy regulatory requirements in managing e-commerce transactions related risk.


    Using Open-source Database systems, software and programming languages such as PostgreSQL, Django and Python, 791 Technologies can now meet or exceed many of the market’s current needs.

    The Internet is not providing the safety, security, privacy or control necessary to protect personal, business, and financial activities. Digital consumers are becoming increasingly disloyal to sites and applications requiring multiple identities, passwords, and updates simply to retain an already inadequate value proposition.


    791Technologies Limited was created to resolve a combination of trust issues and problems faced by the ever more sophisticated and demanding digital consumer.


    We build platforms, utilities and apps designed for:

    • Security
    • Scalability
    • Agility
    • Extensibility
    • Adaptability
    • Seamless administration & configuration
  • Products & Services

    At the foundation of our technology is a singular focus on unequaled security. 791Technologies™ Security Digest includes secure configuration defined and deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server and platforms.


    The demand for digital identity and authentication solutions is constantly expanding and there has been, over the last several years, a resurgence in the quest to find better and more robust solutions in that very specific space. Studies show that we typically log into 10 sites a day. These sites hold our most important data and yet we are left on our own to generate secure and unique passwords across 40 to 50 sites in total. Who can remember all of these passwords? How many of us use the same password for multiple sites? The model is clearly broken.

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    791 Technologies™ PersonAuthentication®

    • provides a modular authentication protocol that combines multi-form factors in authenticating user transactions, increasing security and streamlining the login process while reducing the reliance on passwords.
    • becomes the transaction authentication gatekeeper of data at every transaction point to prevent mass cardholder breach and privacy breach, a holistic multi-layer approach of data lifecycle management with elastic security as data sensitivity increases.
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  • Team

    Our North American veteran team of internet software pathfinders and financial services pioneers has introduced or advanced many of the most recognizable internet technologies and related software platforms since before the publication of one of the first internet protocol specifications, DARPA’s RFC 791 in September 1981.


    Some of our team’s previous projects and accomplishments include:

    • Launching bank debit cards in Canada by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
    • Bringing GPS from military to civilian markets with NASA
    • Advancing VoIP database solutions with Avaya
    • Creating a ‘mining to recycling’ supply chain management solution with Lexmark
    • Empowering LibertyRMS to launch the .INFO domain
    • Enabling Afilias’ use of PostgreSQL to take the .ORG domain away from Oracle
    • Converting Canada’s largest retailer Loblaw’s IT from Oracle to PostgreSQL

  • Want to join our team?

    If you’re interested in joining our fascinating and eclectic team, send your resume to careers@791tech.com with a short note describing what type of position you’re looking for.


    We can then match you with any suitable positions as soon as they come up.

    Current positions available

    Check back soon - or drop us a line and we'll save your information for later!

    Why Work with us?

    • creative compensation
    • flexible work schedules
    • virtual workplace
    • safe place to innovate
    • fun, smart, relaxed start-up atmosphere

    • we recognize and reward our employees

  • Contact  & Connect

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  • The fine Print

    Yes, the lawyers make us do this.

    Legal Notices

    General Disclaimer

    • This website does not warrant or represent, either directly or indirectly, that the information provided on this site is accurate, complete and current. This website is not an agent of any entity for which there are links on the site. Nothing on this website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind. For advice on all matters, you should consult and rely upon the recommendations of an appropriately qualified professional.

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    • In no event shall  791 Technologies Limited or other contributors be liable to you or any third party for any direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out errors, omissions, delays or other cause of action that may be attributed to your use of any product, support, services, information or software from this web site, including, but not limited to, lost profits or lost data, even if  791 Technologies Limited or other contributors had been advised of the possibility of such damages.


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    Always seek the advice of a qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal situation and requirements. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have found through the use of this web site.


    The 791 Technologies Limited® web site is produced, owned and operated by 7912374 Canada Limited. The entire content of this web site is protected by copyright and trademark laws. 7912374 Canada Limited and none of contributors to this web site can be held responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any harm, damage or inconvenience which might arise due to the use of this web site or from your reliance on any information provided at this web site.


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